It is easy to draw the first conclusion from this analysis. Puzzle: A matchstick puzzle is given below, move 3 matchsticks to get 3 squares. !Reasoning puzzle!IAS Exam Problems!Only genius can solve this! you get this,you are a critical thinker! (BUY from Apple books, Barnes & Noble, Rokuten Kobo, Puzzles for Adults: 50 Brain Teasers with Step-by-Step Solutions: Boost Your Power of Problem Solving, Innovative Solutions to Matchstick Puzzles, Creative Matchstick Puzzles Innovative Solutions eBook Amazon Kindle version. First quick solution based on question, analysis and answer to solve finally by the End state analysis approach. ! glass will full first? Magic triangle puzzle 1-9 sum of 17 with step by step solutions! The target figure would have 7 squaresan increase of 2 squares from the puzzle figure. Thank Palak Gupta for adding approach 2. If you are curious, you may go through the possible representation of a model for general problem solving and innovation. { If you create your own matchstick puzzle and solve it exhaustively, using all methods you know and can create, it will be a richly rewarding experience and an interesting pastime. ? tricky puzzle only brilliant mind can solve!! Now you realize that by moving 2 sticks, you might destroy 2 squares, not 1. #Move2Sticks @Rajni007 Maths Tutorials PLEASE. Best Brainteasers with Puzzle!sticks puzzlematchstick puzzleMove 2 Sticks To Make 3 Squares puzzle#MatchsickPuzzle #Canyousolvethis? Old Matchstick Puzzles - fun for all ages - Learning Tree ! many Eggs?