Devon began to move on with Elena Dawson, but Hilary's ghost kept haunting him. In 2003, Jill was shocked to learn she was adopted, and that she was actually Katherines daughter. Brenda Dickson (1973 - 1980, 1983 - 1987). Jill came on hot & heavy to the newly divorced Jeff, seducing him in her office chair, but it wasn't long before he finally realized that the woman he wanted was Gloria. By clicking Sign Up, you agree to our Terms and Conditions and that you have read our Privacy Policy. So after this whole Fenmore fiasco, and with Robert now deceased Barbara can now go out and find her first born child which is Jill. The test proved that Jill was not a match to her either, but when Brock arrived a blood test proved he was Kay's son, which ultimately meant that Jill was not Katherine's daughter after all. All Rights Reserved. Katherine caught Tucker sneaking out after spending the night with Jill. Paul shut off the ballroom lights just as they scrambled for the gun, but Colin had caught it under his foot. 72 years (February 3, 1949) Brenda Dickson/Age. Jill pointed out that all three of them had survived comas in the past. But when he turned her down, she hit the accelerator while rounding a curve, and the car sailed off a cliff. Jill was keeping their relationship secret, after all Larry was "so below Jill's status." Alone and drunk, Kay passed out and had a vision where her dear husband Rex and Grandson Phillip returned from the dead to make one final plea. Cane admitted that he had been working with them too, attempting to get Colin put back into prison. Kay capitulated, and Tucker asked Ashley to be the CEO of Jabot. When she called the lab to get the remains from the prior exhumation re-examined, she was told they had no remains, nor any record of it at all in their files. He was exonerated when later events pointed to Kevin Fisher as the killer, but the true culprit was revealed to be Kevin's girlfriend, Jana Hawkes. Jack made Womack a deal to call his private jet if he would let the hostages go. Although Ashley eventually learned she was fathered by someone else, she never let John know. Billy had a bad gambling habit, and still owed some bookies in Miami a lot of money, so when no one would give him any, he stole and pawned an antique scrimshaw from the Chancellor estate. After bidding Jill a passionate farewell telling her he was leaving town on business, Colin managed to convince Neil to allow him and Jill to take the twins for the night, but instead he took them to the McMillan estate where a plane was to pick up him, "Caleb", and the twins to leave for Australia. A frantic phone call by Jill got Jack to bail them out by arranging for a less than luxurious trip home. Gloria took advantage, pulling tricks to convince Kay she was losing it in an attempt to get enough of Kay's Jabot stock to have controlling interest. Billy was offered a lessor position under Lily but refused, still only interested in getting even with Victor and Adam. Meanwhile Gloria got out of jail and her first act as a free woman was to visit Jeffrey, and finding him in bed with Jill, had a fight with her, then left. Although suspicious of Tucker's motives, Jill was able to convince Katherine of their concern for Katherine's heath and that she cared. At the last minute Cane decided against the marriage, so Amber drugged him and got her friend Ali to take his place in disguise, telling him he was too drunk to remember being married the next morning. Originally portrayed by Brenda Dickson, when Dickson departed in 1980, the role was first recast with Deborah Adair. Jill told Colin that she was not stupid and knew he had arranged for someone to steal her necklace. And his grandmother is Jill Abbott (Jess Walton). The Co-CEO's became three, and competition among them was heightened. All Rights Reserved. Traci Abbott (Beth Maitland) always seemed to be the black sheep of the family. Meanwhile Kay was found by Marge's friend Murphy lying by the creek near the accident. In 2006, only six months into his seven year prison sentence for the murder of Tom Fisher, Jill's ex-husband and still close friend, John Abbott, was about to be released early due to ill heath when he had a stroke and was rushed to GC Memorial in grave condition. They were shocked with the marriage news, and as his son Cane said, "bringing that bastard back into their lives". Attorney Amanda Sinclair arrived in town, shocking everyone she met by looking identical to Devons dead wife Hilary. Esther, Cane, and Jill wondered if Kay was still capable of driving, let alone overseeing Chancellor and Jabot even with Jill and Cane in charge of each, so Jill took away Kay's keys. Phyllis explained that they were in love and she was divorcing Jack, then in time the world would see her and Billy together and accept it. Not long after, Devon learned that Hilary had been found by Neil, and he knew where she was. But eventually Kay showed Jill she was nearly back to normal, and thanks to the influence of Larry, Jill was able to begin to come to grips with how she really felt about Kay. Most of the run-ins don't end well, as Hilary continues pretending that she was only out for revenge. But Jill managed to get pregnant before John got a secret vasectomy. He tracked down the daughter who had been given to the Gray Nuns at the Sisters of Charity orphanage near the Canadian border, and Jill presented her name and whereabouts as a gift to Kay for Christmas 2009. Jill returned just after New Years 2019 announcing that she and Colin were taking a break, saying that fun as he was, she needed someone she could depend on. When Jill confronted him, he tried to talk her into still marrying him and running away with him and the millions. Devon was a juvenile delinquent and sentenced to community service at the Rec Center where he met and befriended Lily. While Jack intially feared he'd slept with his half-sister, they quickly realized their blood types meant they couldn't be related. Jill left ChanceComm in the hands of Billy and Lily Winters, but wouldnt approve funding Billys attempt to take over Cyaxares. Esther walked in and joyfully realized Kay was still alive. * Loved Ji Min Kim until he was murdered. Jill used these and the crossed out Chancellor divorce property settlement to sue Kay in court, won half the estate, and moved back in permanently. Weeks later, Jill returned home with Colin Atkinson and the news that they had remarried. And its been awhile since Chance was spotted on Y&R. Kyle also gave Jack his first grandson in the form of young Harrison. Colin came-to among the ruins of the jet, and located Jill alive and well in the snow. Jeffrey and Jill each wooed Gloria to sell her Jabot shares, and Jack also offered to drop the charges if she sold to him, but she sold them to Victor instead for money deposited in an offshore account. After this invalidated Jills claim on Jabot and Victor turned her down to work at Newman, she teamed up with Gloria and Jeffrey, since Gloria cannot access all the money she was paid for her shares, to get back at Victor for using them all. Then Chance showed up in town saying he knew nothing about the claim, and had not hired Amanda. He called in Sofia, and when she tried to explain, he fired her and Cane. Jill talked Billy into hiring her at Restless Style, and worked together to expose Tucker. Jill said they were through and walked out on him, but later made a deal to take him back and trust him again if he will go public about the Jabot buyout by Jack and Kay. As Genevieve told Jill that she was Colin's wife, Colin lost his grip and fell. Katherine went in for her surgery to remove the tumor and have it biopsied. Jill contacted Chance for help, and he discovered that the Rachael in the photo was not Rachael Berenson, but a Rachael Carlisle. Sharon quickly decided to go to Crimson Lights instead. But Young and the Restless history tells us that Billy's not his adoptive dad but his biological father. Young & Restless: Devon Loses His Company to Amanda and Lily in Court Colin gave it to his associate to settle his debt, and Jill collected eighteen million dollars from the insurance claim, which they agreed to split fifty/fifty. He tells the rescue team where the others are stranded and a helicopter comes and saves the rest of the group from the crash site. Jill arrived and tried to rescue Colin who was holding on to the edge by his hands. Elliot Hampton When he confronts her about it, she breaks down and finally admits that she is still in love with him. Afterward, Jill was impressed with Colin, but still was not ready to trust him. Afterward they put a flower on the altar next to Katherine's urn. Still penniless and without a job, Jill humbled herself and took a manicurist job at Lucky Nails. She made amends with Katherine, finally, and was offered a position back at Jabot, running things with Jack. So, its important to know who he is and how Chance Chancellor fits into the character canvas on Y&R. Jill's desire to have a child has been an essential part of the character's journey. * Lost her adoptive mother, Liz Foster, who confessed on her deathbed that Jill is Neil Fenmore's daughter. Murph didn't believe her but found the obituary with a photo that looked like Marge and the story of the accident which occurred near where he found her. Her doctor found scarring of the uterus after her miscarriage left her unable to carry a baby. John eventually accepted Billy and came to love him. She had an affair with Victor Newman, but realizing he was never going to marry her, returned to John and they tied the knot again. After Billy caught J.T. Colin hinted towards Hilary that he knows something. Months went by with Colin doing his best to woo Jill back, and Genevieve her best to stop it from happening. Kay later made her an equal partner with Jack over Jabot, and hired Neil Winters as CEO. Later Lauren arrived at the estate to console Jill. Jill and Colin returned from the Caribbean to a letter from Katherine, written before her death. Natasha is portrayed by Missi Pyle. And Chelsea Lawson's his biological mom. The Young and the Restless Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Genevieve revealed that Caleb, after drugging Cane, had taken his place and showed up at the church. It was a tumultuous time for Jill! However, she feels committed to Neil and decides to forward with her relationship with him despite Devon doing his best to convince her that he is the man for her, not Neil. Where is Katherine Chancellor? - Sage-Advices At her worst, Jill was there for Cane who she still considers a son, and Neil realized how much Cane really loved her, then as she began to recover they decided to start looking for a surrogate rather than wait until Lily would be strong enough to carry their child.