Dikephobia Fear of justice.. Gynephobia or Gynophobia Fear of women. Molysmophobia or Molysomophobia Fear of dirt or contamination. Scolionophobia Fear of school. but Im scared to be gay!! Is there a fear of somebody finding your weakness????? Iophobia Fear of poison. Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia- Fear of the number 666. Is this a phobia? Whenever im climbing stairs, getting out of a car, running walking etc, i imagine myself falling or hitting something and i have the feeling like I AM GOING TO FALL like and i unintentionally make my hands in fists.. Her New York-to-LA treks would entail a luxury bus, two drivers working in shifts and 24 hours of nonstop travel. However it does not include being afraid of not knowing what may be farther away, like in another room or separate area, only what is immediately near. Please let me know if there are other people out there who suffer from this. Though in all fairness to Nicole, we don't know if this psychosis predates exposure to Cruise or not. It was the worst time of my life and I didnt think I will get over it but it went away as sudden as it came on. No matter how sleep deprived I may be, I will never take anything to aid my sleep in case I will never be able to sleep naturally again. Find the latin word for tea or spilling tea, add phobia and you will have your name, I suffer with Generalised Anxiety Disorder and I have a fear of opening doors or answering phones, I go into complete panic mode, is there a name for this? Katagelophobia Fear of ridicule. So if my husband is across the room and asks me to throw him the remote control, I have a panic physical reaction. Is there a fear of everyone leaving and forgetting about you? My question is WHAT IS THAT CALLED? List of Phobias: How Many Are There? - Healthline That doesnt mean your situation is special or that you have some new disorder. Is there an official name for the fear of having chalk or clay on your hands? Ive been dealing with someone giving romantic advances and I am not able to handle this affection. Phobia? Demophobia Fear of crowds. it has left me with scars soooo severe and gory it would make you tremble in your pantyhose! Mine is a little different. Apparently this bizarre phobia affected LSD advocate Timothy Leary who started cutting his own hair as he was afraid of visiting barbers. I am guessing this might have more with your identity or self worth, rather then a phobia, but without further info, Id rather not make any assumptions, Whats the fear of Large Flags. Macrophobia Fear of long waits. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. When I am without someone I know in public , I start to panic and find it hard to breathe . Sarmassophobia Fear of love play. Is there a name for this, I dont know, i decided to coin a name for it because I also have it. What is a fear of crying in public called? Lists about phobias: the things we're scared of and why we are afraid of them. Common Phobias: Agoraphobia, Claustrophobia, and More - WebMD Psychology has compiled thousands of phobias, to the poi Articles CATEGORIES Parasitophobia Fear of parasites. If it really bothers you, see a health professional. I can tell you the mind can associate fear to any object, thought process or idea, and since you are experience this, we know it exists for you. Yes, though it may be more paranoia then a phobia, Im enquiring as to what a fear of going to the bar is called. 2017;8:1668. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01668, Spiegel SB. Famous Chromophobes: Doxophobia Fear of expressing opinions or of receiving praise. List of Phobias: Common Phobias From A to Z - Verywell Mind Making a diagnosis from a couple sentences is irresponsible, so take this all with a grain of salt. Then one thing happened where I was getting ready for an online call and on my wall appeared a black stain. If this is an on going issue for you, then you may want to get checked for OCD, obsessive compulsive disorder. I dont actually fear that these things will happen, but its almost like Im building up my pain threshold just in case. Phoba names are just words and they are often misapplied. It started one day, because I saw a video with arm wrestling go extremely wrong. Even if I know the person loves me. Bibliophobia Fear of books. This is not every phobia, it is merely a list of phobias. This is more a mechanism of how our nervous system processes mental and emotional information rather than a specific subject matter. Aviophobia or Aviatophobia Fear of flying. Is this a phobia, fear of being unable to experience touch? Hey, are there any famous people with Ecophobia? If this is a big enough problem, you may want to see someone. Pyrexiophobia Fear of Fever. If our scientists can synthesize this phobia in the lab we've got a long list of names we'd like to infect with it. Yes that is possible. She is also a Mysophobe which means she hates bacteria and germs. Phallophobia Fear of a penis, esp erect. There are thousands of phobia names and new ones are being made up all the time. I have a fear of sitting with my back to the door. Not sure if there is a label for this, but I have talked to people over the years that have in one way or another experienced something similar. Yes it is possible, but it may be something other than a phobia. Plutophobia Fear of wealth.. Another fear is when I open a door or put on a shirt I am scared I will see a different place or walk into an alternate dimension(apocalypse). Hello, Im trying to find a name for my phobia (idk if its even a phobia). In the olden days, many people were supposedly mistakenly buried alive when their bodies went into a state of deathlike rigidity stemming from certain illnesses. Is there a fear of developing the same attitude or behaviour of someone else by just watching them or being with them. Its not like fear of the unknown though, because if I can see something but I dont know what it is I am fine,and its not fear of the dark because if I have a place memorized it doesnt matter if I cant see thing I know they are there so I am fine. Trichopathophobia or Trichophobia Fear of hair. Chemophobia Fear of chemicals or working with chemicals. There are many reasons this could be occuring. Agrizoophobia Fear of wild animals. All phobias have a Greek or Latin root. Pnigophobia or Pnigerophobia Fear of choking of being smothered. I always think that my blender is going to explode or my lawn mower or my TV if it makes a funny noise even the vacuum. Find a reputable therapist who deals in fears. A phobia is an overwhelming or debilitating fear, usually of something that poses no real danger at all. Liz, dont get hung up on finding a name for your fear, since the mind can create fears for almost anything. The challenge is not just your perception of possible danger for children, it is you dont trust you will be able to handle something happening to them. There were things that happened you had no control over and there is no point in looking back at what could have been done differently. Image Source. Well you don't have to imagine it because it was all captured in the video: Alongside her BFF Jordan and her assistant Victoria, Kylie couldn't look more on edge and literally squirms from start to finish. The memory of that nightmare comes rushing back, and I will just about panic if I cant make the sound stop. Is there a phobia for that? The famous director was afraid of eggs ("ovophobia") and once told a reporter "have you ever seen anything more revolting than an egg yolk breaking and spilling its yellow liquid?" It all began when the rap diva had to take an escalator for a photo op. Eremophobia Fear of being oneself or of loneliness. Maniaphobia Fear of insanity. More surprising is the fact that these stars are not shy of admitting to their fears. The name of the problem is less important then finding out what is really going on behinf her fears. is there a fear of drinking water? Most therapists dont get hung up on labeling clients, I have a fear of the sound it makes when you cut skin and I can not find the name for it anywhere, Not sure you will find a name for this. I dont really know what happened but as long as I can have that nightmare Im always afraid for the possibilities that might one day it could be forever. Johnny Depp, never afraid to append more weirdness to his resume, is also wary of clowns. 2020;9:F1000 Faculty Rev-195. I have a fear of everything thats smaller than me and can move faster than me like bugs, reptiles, amphibians, some small mammals but not dogs and cats, Since our nervous systems can fear anything imagined, not everything will have a name, since people put their own unique spin on things. If she doesnt, there is little to say about it. Tennis comes on and I have to leave the room, it's intense.". I have a fear of touching and feeling my own bones. Sciophobia or Sciaphobia Fear of shadows. It interferes with those things I want to do sometimes. Also does anyone have any advice for someone with social anxiety and fear of making mistakes and being wrong? Nyctophobia Fear of the dark or of night. Thus, phobias (from the Latin "phobus" meaning "Seriously, you're scared of that?") Perversely I have no issue with dry tea leaves, I can hold these and let them cascade through my fingers, even like the sensation and the smell. Or any plane journey to be honest. What is important is what are you going to do with it? Blennophobia Fear of slime. Names may matter for insurance companies, but plenty of people get help for less than common issues. I have this similar fear, or at least an anxiety of it sufficient to curtail nearly all of my social interactions. everytime i google it it get the fear of unknown people. This fear most likely can be overcome, but you will have to find someone to work with you, since you probably wouldnt be able to do this on your own. right okay so last night I had the SCARIEST dream of my life. I hope you The Red Scare was hysteria over the perceived threat posed by Communists in the U.S. during the Cold War between the Soviet Union and the United States, which intensified in the late . Antlophobia Fear of floods. You might start by just thinking about your phobia trigger and then move slowly toward looking at images of the object and finally being near the object in real life. Check these out! Triskaidekaphobia - Wikipedia Whether this is a phobia or something else should be determined by a professional. Its getting serious. It is understandable you want to put a name on it and you can, since most phobias are Greek or Latin words put in front of phobia. Of course another part is not being able to effectively deal with lose. Because there are an infinite variations of fears or phobias, there are plenty of fears that are unique or expressed in unique ways. Hippopotomonstroses-quippedaliophobia: What Is It? - Healthline Necrophobia Fear of death or dead things. Or considered not intelligent, cause Ive suffered from this. However for a Sidonglobophobic individual, this phobia can actually ruin one's life. I have THANATOPHOBIA, the fear of ones own death, or the dying process. > Kylie Jenner Faced One Of Her Biggest Fears & We Legit Can't Stop Watching Her Squirm. You may want to work with a professional on this if it becomes intense, Hey there! The mind can associate fear to any subject matter. Is there any certain phobia of looking at faucets up close???? Liticaphobia Fear of lawsuits. Like nets women wear on their heads. Im positive this has to be a common fear, does anyone know its name? Who were the models in Van Halen's finish what you started video? Mnemophobia Fear of memories. Gum's final insult would be forcing you to listen to the doctors speculating on the nature of the eye-fucking that caused it. Ailurophobia is known to have affected many well-known personalities including some of the most famous names of history Julius Caesar, Napoleon Bonaparte, Mussolini and Alexander The Great. Who is a celebrity that suffers from Androphobia? I presentto you the most well-known yet surprisingcelebrity phobias andfears that affectthe famous and the rich. is there anything that can describe this? And sure, their distorted features inspire images of demonic possession and evil incarnate. If you have the fear, then there is such a fear. Why? I cannot see, or feel muscle as it makes me sick. 26 Surprising Celebrity Phobias That Famous People Suffer From Kit, That's really cool you were able to beat your fear of heights by skydiving! Surely with all her stage pyros, Britters would be used to spectacular flashes and loud bangs. I thought it was going to take me away with it.". Many people label anything they fear as a phobia and unfortunately this is not always correct, especially with the fear of germs. his muscular frame was so attractive and manly. I mean I am afraid of sharks and octopi but they're not animals i come into contact with ever really. Sometimes fears are easy to overcome, sometimes they are more complex and if you are serious about helping yourself, you will take action instead of just worrying about it. While phobias can be distressing and create disruptions in your life, they are treatable. For example, if I see a mother pushing her shopping cart and her little toddler/child is standing in the cart or leaning out while mom turned her back & is comparing apples, I need to turn away because I am starting to imagine the kid falling head first to the floor. So is it possible yes. The thing is that dream was sort of true- my mom and dad split up a year ago and I remember them shouting and my dad crying and I was in my room really freaked out saying rally quietly Its just a dream. You hold people too close, which makes death extra painful. The mechanisms for a phobia are basically the same, regardless of subject matter. The bottom line is we are all in the same boat, no matter who we are. Asymmetriphobia Fear of asymmetrical things. What you may want to work on is your ability to deal with other people changing, which I suspect is the root of your fear. When a fear becomes generalized, such as yours, it usually has become a bit more complex than a simple phobia, thus it probably needs to dealt with differently. Its just the thought that humans took over practically the entire planet freaks me out is there a name for this? terrfies me. And it scares me . Can you help me with this if whats gonna be this fear. Atomosophobia Fear of atomic explosions. You want to look at whats the issue at hand and how it much it effects you and is it truly a phobia. Misophobia is a hatred of certain types of sounds and many believe it is a neurological disorder rather than phycholgical symptom. Maybe. Medorthophobia Fear of an erect penis. J Anxiety Disord. That sounds like a form of social anxiety. Linn, not certain if there is a name for this fear, but clearly you may want to see someone to help you resolve this, especially if it has been going on for a while or if it is getting worse. Famous Coulrophobes: Is there a phobia fo the feeling of always being watched? to control things that are not in your control. If this is just a minor bother, then you probably can live with it. Whether you find a name for it or not will be less important than you addressing the fear. Catagelophobia Fear of being ridiculed. Your self esteem, your identity, your ability to deal with let downs, over empathizing with others pain or mixed emotions. Eva Mendes is not the only celeb who suffers from the fear of water, also known as aquaphobia. Dishabiliophobia Fear of undressing in front of someone. Rare phobias may be novel terms coined to identify a single, unique case or fear that occur quite infrequently. COPYRIGHT 2005-2023 Cracked is published by Literally media Ltd.. Radiophobia Fear of radiation, x-rays. Its not being looked at that scares me, the idea of being followed, under surveillance, stalked, etc. If so please let me know. One of the challenges of naming something is the labels are too often incorrect. List of Phobias: Common Phobias From A to Z. Verywell Mind's content is for informational and educational purposes only. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Scabiophobia Fear of scabies. Ranidaphobia Fear of frogs. It is understandable you want to put a name on it and you can, since most phobias are Greek or Latin words put in front of phobia. This is the darkest, most embracing fear. How many nieces and nephew luther vandross have? Is there a name for it? Sleevephobia? Acrophobia- Fear of heights. Sitting in the back row of a Phish concert, guaranteeing a dozen of these in view at any time: Some of you will say there should be a name for when people aren't afraid of clowns, since this proud lineage of entertainers has long been the object of scorn and outright fear. The mechanisms for a phobia are basically the same, regardless of subject matter. In winter, they only wear vests. Don't panic Bey, there's millions of people who wouldn't mind keeping you company. I cant touch a tag without holding it like its contaminated and wash my hands after I toss it in the trash. Some phobias are very specific and limited. Jade told Digital Spy. What a good therapist will find out is what is it that is allowing this construct to be present in you and what needs to change so you can let it go, Tropophobia Can also be having fear of small holes or clustered patterns all close together I know that because I suffer from it. As in there not being free will. Both the presence and the anticipation of storms can cause you distress. I dont know anyone who deals with this. Spectrophobia Fear of specters or ghosts. Please see About Phobias for more information. Agateophobia Fear of insanity. I am very thankful to you for documenting these fears. Agyrophobia Fear of streets or crossing the street. Rectophobia Fear of rectum or rectal diseases. Logophobia Fear of words. Kristen Stewart: Equinophobia-Fear of Horses. Famous Botanophobes: Fear of being forgotten / no one caring that your gone Claustrophobia: Symptoms, Treatment, and More - Healthline If it is just something that occasionally freaks you out, it may not be worth the effort. Apparently Adele's phobia of seagulls all started when she was 9 years old. Graphophobia Fear of writing or handwriting. It seems to just fall under OCD, but I strongly disagree with that on account of the fact that Ive met multiple people like this who arent OCD about other things.just locking doors, if anyone knows a name for this condition please post it. According to sources, when Orlando was on set of his film Kingdom of Heaven, he ran away from the pigs as fast as he could. Im afraid of it happening again and seeing in people in pain. It doesnt matter stranger or my own children. I also cant sleep in a total darkness, I must at least have some kind of street light. Medications your doctor might prescribe include selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), beta-blockers, and anti-anxiety drugs. I would be really happy if you could include carpophobia since I myself are suffering from it and most people dont know what it is and often joke around with it when I tell them. Something worth checking into with your local health professional, Is there a name for the fear of being emotion less? I have a fear of seeming narcissistic and arrogant, so I dont like it when people complement me and I get super shy and tell them to stop . Not sure you should be looking for phobia names. Spiders, flying, small spaces - it's all common things to have a phobia off and we are not alone. Other bigwigs who happen to have this phobia include deceased King of Pop, Michael Jackson, and comedian and talk-show host Whoopi Goldberg. (Yes, it's so common that it has an actual name! If this is problematic for you or it interferes with you ability to cope with daily life, see a professional. If you can think of it, then there can be a fear of it. Please advise. I have the same fear, I need to open my eyes quick to make sure it isnt there. Most likely you are not content in areas of yourself. Singer-actor Justin Timberlake is believed to be afraid of spiders, snakes and all other creepy crawlers. 10 Famous People Who Were Afraid They'd Be Buried Alive In a relatively safe world, the part of our brain that alerts us to danger just seems to get bored sometimes. I forgot about it when years later I came back to jog with my friend this year and I saw the cracks and a huge wave of tension came to the side of my neck and the back of my neck. Just like layers of makeup cover up their age spots and wrinkles, a false bravado helps cover up their insecurities. What you want is to work with someone who can get to the core issues behind the fears and find out if it is a simple phobia or something more complex. Jesse, the human mind can associate fears to any subject matter, activity or object. Scopophobia, scoptophobia, or ophthalmophobia is an anxiety disorder characterized by a morbid fear of being seen in public or stared at by others. Considering youre the most recent comment i can find, i was wondering if maybe you know the fear of ones ear being stabbed, or something entering ones ear thats sharp. Ceraunophobia Fear of thunder and lightning. If i go shopping with my friends i have to walk behind them , so i can see them or i start panicking . Here's a little head start before we dive into the trivia: the general fear of food is known as cibophobia. Those were the only cracks that actually made me uncomfortable. I dont think this is healthy. I find it hard to believe that with how specific some of these are, there is no phobia where the person is scared to have the doors around them unlocked and must lock them after every time they are used. Phobia names are derived from their Greek or Latin name with phobia added on the end. I have the fear of being hit by a ball is this a thing?? Salute bro!! ), The only person you should be explaining this to is a therapist and they will not need a name. Worst case scenario for a coulrophobe: Myctophobia Fear of darkness. I cant find the name for the fear of being followed or stalked.