The area has over 2 million acres not including Craterlake National Park and the Klamath Wildlife Refuge which currently is being used for cattle grazing which in my opinion is not right. We have averaged 95% kills and 99% shot opportunities on antelope bucks since 2009. It would be our sincere pleasure to outfit a great hunt for you in Wyoming! The guest home, barndominium, 8-stall horse barn, and2 bedroom/1 bath cabin have fabulous millwork and exceptional stonework. I WAS A RESIDENT OF WYO FOR 3 YRS AND MOVED BACK TO COLORADO AND HUNT NON RESIDENT IN WYO. Skyline Outfitters, LLC operates on the family 72,000 acre cattle ranch in NE Wyoming. Being put out of business? With respect to crossing private land to access hunting on sizeable blocks of public land, someone such as Game and Fish or the County Commissioners or a hunting advocacy group would need to purchase an easement for interesting money; that is, $50,000 or up. Today there is no way at age 73 can I evan think of paying the high cost of license . IF YOU DO DO IT, YOU WIN HANDS DOWN. And the food prepared by Doris was absolutely fabulous., I can not tell you what this trip meant to me. 7.) In Montana, efforts to increase landowner licenses were met with a firestorm of opposition and failed. WHY? What the ranchers and outfitters need to know is, we see through you right through you and you probably wont find much sympathy here. At the feet of Wyoming's Wind River Range lives Josh Kirk: homesteader, hunter and ranch manager. It is a great benefit in all four units to secure access to horses. Units 56, 58, and 59 all are considered late season trophy hunts. With Wyomings policy of all-out war against predators, Im not surprised there are too many elk in this area. Feed your family, not their twisted view of their entitlement. Introduced wolves are a big part of it. This causes the game animals to form the big consolidated groups that we are see now. Timberline Price List - TIMBERLINE - WYOMING BIG GAME HUNTING You cant solve a problem with the same thinking that created it. Blackbuck . CALL US: (307) 939-1271 Be carefull what you wish for. Issues with overpopulated elk, of course, arent restricted to Turtle Rock Ranch. Its not cheap, he said. In addition, many landowners use penny stock leases to graze their cattle on public lands during the summer which depletes the available food for the elk and forces them onto ranches as they seek food to survive. Ranchers cant have it both ways, Is it still to today have the elk problem. 1.) Its a racket!!! Wyoming Antelope Hunting | The Cross C Ranch | Wyoming Outfitter You rely on us for the facts. Only 15% of tags go to out-of-state hunters, who often wait more than a decade for the chance. Very rough country. Guide pleads not guilty to hunting charges - SVI-NEWS Some camps you can drive your vehicle to and others we horseback you in. Yet their families, friends and public employed seem to be allowed in. Its a large tract of land, trespassing is a common occurrence as is disrespect for the land private and public. Access is miserable, Adam Teten, a member of the Wyoming Wildlife Taskforce, said during a March public meeting. 2.) My suggestion is to have two separate hunts. Make up your mind, do you want to eat? What would you estimate the cost of an easement on an infinitely small piece of private land between two public sections? If the weather cooperates, these hunts can be the best Wyoming has . The antelope hunts are from blinds on water holes, set up for shots of 20 yards or less. The landowners out there that are really angry are really angry, and what weve done to them needs to be reconsidered, Gilliland told fellow members of the Wyoming Wildlife Taskforce in March. We are located in the Laramie Mountain Range, 30 miles West of Wheatland, Wyoming. Or not. The Park County Sheriff's Office and Wyoming Game and Fish responded to the scene after receiving reports of bullets crossing the highway and traveling through Trout Creek Ranch. This site, like many others, uses cookies to help us improve and customize your experience. Some sickness comes along. None of this would have ever happened if we didnt start killing them off because mother nature knows how to keep everything in check! Or what the relationship is between increased elk, and declining mule deer populations. I am not trying to burn any bridges here and for our sake our livelihoods bring the Wolves back cause they Will only ensure the survival of the Elk and I know I like to Hunt. Access no money is the biggest farce perpetrated on Wyoming hunters in history! I always show respect for the land and the people. Whether you are looking to hunt Deer, Antelope, Elk or Turkey, the time frames of which you are allowed to hunt will depend on your weapon of choice and varies throughout the season. Wyoming and most western states have a scandalous record and stance towards predators. The Chase family, friends, employees, and clients now hunt the NX bar. Stop giving out wildlife damage payments to landowners that dont allow public easement for hunting. Sorry life doesnt work that way! I dont feel sorry for these ranchers on bit and nor should you! It cant be both. If you want to regulate the number of people on the ranches just issue tags per ranch or ranches based on the size of the ranch or multiple ranchs in a give area. Our Ranch is located in Northeastern Wyoming, just north of Gillette. We rely on loyal members like you to sustain our reporting and grow the WyoFile community. A storied estate in Abiqui | Home/Real Estate | Here at the Werner Ranch we offer an archery mule deer/antelope combo hunt. Why cant the distressed land owners and wyoming game and fish open their eyes a little bit, this issue is going to need more than just one fix. Dont let that happen there. oh, I forgot to add = 9) GET YOUR FREELOADING LIVESTOCK OFF OUR PUBLIC LANDS! Rachers in my state will co.palin for days about stuff like this, but cry that wolves need to be eradicated in the state. The state agency reimbursed them more than $70,000. Together, Jeff and Deb started Seven J Outfitters. Outfitters like Sy Gilliland continue to shoot themselves in the foot. Casper businessman Rick Bonander is an example of a landowner who bought up land in the Laramie Mountains so he, friends and family have somewhere to hunt. Third, the area is quite a bit is far from any town. Along with his wife, Bonnie, and daughter, Eden, Josh makes ends meet by working with . Im new to Wyoming and whats interesting is I hear two stories. The Turtle Rock Ranch, perhaps with other ranches in the area, might want to ask Wyoming F&G to stop killing wolves and to ask the Feds to relocate some wolves to disperse the herds. Love to go back again. Hmmm, lets see.why are we killing wolves when their prey is out of control? Fantastic, here are the ground rules: Simply fix to all of this is #1 cut damage funds to the ranchers if they dont allow public to hunt and #2 a 10ft walk in easement for public land to public land corner cross PERIOD! The Politicians of Wyoming and Wyoming G&F need to follow New Mexico, Colorado and other States which provide private landowner more land owner permits. The landowners out there that are really angry, are really angry, and what weve done to them needs to be reconsidered, Gilliland told fellow members of the Wyoming Wildlife Taskforce in March. We do, so can they. We manage our herd by offering management hunts to continually improve genetics resulting in wide, deep-forked mule deer and whitetail deer bucks. I also Enjoy having A nice tender roasts and I am Willing to pay the price to bring the Wolves back. Hunters will be using blinds and tree stands. Our Wood River Ranch cow hunt is in a natural wintering ground and a popular destination for herds of elk in the late season. The new and current methods to hunt the elk, deer and antelope put excess and constant pressure on the game animals. This is a typical land owner complaining about a problem but not allowing access. WHAT? Wagonhound Outfitting consists of 300,000 acres in the famous elk area 7. And nowhere is there mention of allowing natures built in control system, wolves. People killed off all the predators that should be there and wants you the same now. theres a new sheriff in town and youll be seeing more of us. Why ? Isnt that putting the fox in the hen house? All of this paid by license sales in order to meet the demands of Threatened and Endangered species no tax payer funds are used for wolf and grizzly bear management. Going for the same effect, workers once left out sacks of human hair gathered from the local barber shop. Wyoming politics and their Good Old Boy mentality of everything for resident ranchers nd to hell with anyone else. Nine magnificent Wyoming log cabins dot the landscape at Brush Creek Ranch; from the outside, they appear much as they would have when the ranch was founded in the late 19th century. Spring is a wonderful time to visit Wagonhound, the scenery is second to none! 5.) Game and Fish has a whole section of real estate experts who do nothing but handle issues like access. Lee, good argument! The Solitude Ranch is known for producing trophy quality Whitetail deer, Mule deer and boasts a healthy. Get your elk off of private land, unless you want to pay grazing lease like most people do. Wyoming Elk Hunts - Wagonhound Outfitters But wolves create even great pressure than hunting and they do it year round. THEY HAVE GROWN TO THE SANCTIONED LIFE OF SECURITY AND LIFE STYLE OF MOVING FROM PRIVATE TO STATE HUNTING AREAS AT NIGHT AND RETURN TO PRIVATE LANDS THE VERY NEXT MORNING. 3.) As a Wyoming taxpayer and donator to many wildlife causes, I dont appreciate the fact that Outfitters even exist in our state. People like you should think before speaking, 130 year old ranch is in dire straits because of overpopulation and mismanagement, the elk will eventually will get disease, Mother Nature has a way of taking care of these kinds of problems, but it comes with a price. Chronic wasting disease is spreading because elk are in large herds and without selective predation that would remove CWD-infected animals. Tired of hearing about the struggling story of ranchers and over populated elk. Every once in a while we run across a couple, but never the big flocks. Not nature. As a rancher or landowner, If you charge for elk hunting then dont complain! I dont and cant see the problem. Again dont over hunt the resource like here and respect the local people. Why are they having an open season on wolves? I hope that some day we would be able to. They can control how many and when so a ranch dosent become overwhelmed and If a ranch doesnt want to corporate then they can pay for elk damages on there own since it must no be a problem for them. So no, they havent paid for the land being used and should get their damn cattle off public lands. Come enjoy the fall colors and the beauty of the ranch while experiencing one of the most spectacular sights in nature, the Rocky Mountain Elk rut. Ranchers had to save wildlife in the early 1920s and 30s because hunting wasnt been handles properly. To see more videos from MYSTERY RANCH ambassadors, new pack high. Wyoming Antelope, Mule Deer and Elk Hunting - The Werner Ranch We are best known for being home to some of the best elk hunting in North America. One 5 mile stretch of road had over 30 vehicles and campers on it.The quality of the hunt goes down when the land is covered in tire tracks and litter, and the quiet of a mountain morning is replaced with the sound of ATVs. gaining some ground on endorsing a new type X license, which would be valid only on private land. Wyoming Outfitter License #281 (Licensed and Insured) We are a Equal Opportunity Employer. If you are interested in improving public access, please work with organizations that follow the well established practice of acquiring legal access across private land. During your stay you will see hundreds of antelope. In the Wyoming wind, the tarps take sail. Then put hunters on the private lands to drive back onto public. Ranchers need to stop complaining about too many elk when they wont let public hunters onto their land to hunt. When it comes to private land the only three viable choices increased landowner tags, trap to relocate and sharp shooter reduction. Welfare rancher wants to sell opportunities to allow harvest of elk and of course, theyll also cash those big damage checks that the G & F hand out like covid masks. Hunters and ranchers both being difficult , disrespectful and down right mean.