I really enjoyed it, so much that Ive decided to leave a comment. This is due to Lyran starseeds knowledge that the only way for beings to evolve their consciousness is by seeing past the ego. Due to their individuality and self-confidence, they may present their appearance in a unique way and are unlikely to follow trends. And I believe if youre a Lyran starseed of either kind, you will have a similar marking on your body somewhere. Remember to look out for your health and wellbeing, and that resting is also a key part of achieving our goals. There is any way we can activate the actual soul, our true nature? So rather than becoming an expert in one single area, you cultivate talent and skill in various activities and fields. Even though they generally dont like drawing too much attention to themselves, they dont really have a problem with being viewed as leaders. The Lyrans understand that the level of consciousness on planet Earth has an effect on every other part of the universe, as everything in intrinsically linked. I can not even bare to think of being alive without having cats in my life. Are there any resources you recommend for more information? Lyrans are a very special type of starseed. Starseeds are said to be alien souls who incarnate as regular human beings. A Lyran Starseed pursues their dreams with a passion that may seem almost scary. And no wonder! Lyra is a small constellation bordered by Draco, Hercules and Cygnus and contains the bright star Vega. When your in alighnment with the all of everything, the All of everything is in alighnment with you. I did a past life regression last night on the 11/11/20 because I knew it was a strong manifesting day and Ive been yearning to find my starseed since I realised it was a real thing and described me exactly. Peace and abundance Zaran , I am most definitely! It was wiped out during the Draco-Lyran war against power, greed, and control. As weve already mentioned, Lyrans are one of the oldest starseed races and originate in the Lyra constellation. Theyre the kind of people who will gladly call off of work sick in order to spend a day hiking or whitewater rafting instead. Thank you so much for this article! They are more human than alien, yet their physical appearance is more symmetrical with big blue eyes and blond hair. Theres high resonance for me! The ability to fly was added for personal enjoyment. If youre wondering if youre a Lyran Starseed, one question youll probably have is if your appearance fits. Read more about. Lyran Starseed: Traits and Characteristics - StarseedSigns.com Lyrans have a strong will and are able to make difficult choices even ones that rebel against authority. This is rare and rather curious for such advanced spiritual beings. This confidence also means youre not afraid to speak your mind and stand up for your values. Lyran Starseed: Origins And 11 Major Signs That You May Be One The Feline star beings who aided in the creation of man can be seen all over Ancient Egypt. You wouldnt be here if youre not going through a spiritual awakening I have made a video how you can know for sure which starseed you are here: https://youtu.be/5qDpIQHZrPM. I have been doing some research now and feel very connected to the Lyran Starseed! The lion in my dream was me and the human being eaten was me. There is no simple answer to this question. I have found peace with being alone. 34 powerful signs you're a Lyran Starseed (and what it - Nomadrs Interestingly enough, your souls origins can still leave some distinctive markers on your appearance. 20 Traits, Mission & Appearance. I like your explanations and deephnes. These markings remind us of our true origins in the stars. I have been drawn to lions my whole life since I can remember. Not only can you solve problems, you can switch your strategy on the fly.This is also helpful when it comes to living a life of freedom, spontaneity, and adventure. This was a great read. I have a deep connection with them. I hope everything is ok with you! planet .doesnt have any $$$$ on it. You are not IN the universe, you ARE the universe, an intrinsic part of it. You hate the idea of spending all your time and attention on just one thing as then youd have to give up all the others you love just as much! A common characteristic of Lyran starseeds is their adaptability. I stayed on the screen for about 45 seconds looking at me. Lyran Starseed - 12 Signs You're From Lyra (POWERFUL PROOF) Its no secret that Lyran Starseeds love enjoying life and theyre sure good at it! In this context I find the term Starseed as somewhat of a misnomer in that unlike the waves of souls, referred to by Deloris Cannon, arriving here recently to help free humanity, many so called Lyran Starseeds have been here from the very very beginning and in many ways have created this planet and its civilizations in order to balance ancient Karma manifested from the wars that destroyed our planet. the most vivid ones These past weeks. Because you put an Eckhart Tolle quote on top of this article I always felt that he actually could be Lyran might this be the reason that you chose it, too? Are You A Lyran Starseed? 15 Traits, Mission & Appearance While they have regular human bodies and DNA, their souls still shine through in different ways. I am dazzled, and my body is vibrating and tingling. Lyra is a small star constellation viewable in the Summer months in the Northern Hemisphere. It also had what looked like a crown on its head. But now I understandbetter my difficukties with people and can go on happier. In fact, there are multiple facets to a Lyran Starseeds mission. Lyran Starseeds - Are You One Of Them? - Spiritual Unite They also frequently have amber, green, or even yellow-green eyes. Unlike other races that feel they are just here to help, true Lyrans do not feel the belong elsewhere, or have a sense of missing our home.. I mentioned them earlier. With so many varied interests and passions, its easy for a Lyran Starseed to get caught up in everything. Looking out into the vast emptiness of space at night is extremely enjoyable for you. This is because Lyrans are highly creative beings with a deep connection to the magical realm of the fairies. I have characteristics of all three. It was a lion head with flowing hair like a mane. This is referring to physical life, but your spiritual grounding allows you to transcend these challenges. Lyran starseeds are caring, strong and compassionate. When youre able to share your energy with others, your Lyran Starseed mission starts to expand to other individuals. Do you suspect that you are a Lyran starseed? Its said that they contributed their knowledge and technology to these civilizations and were responsible for much of humanitys early advancements. Below are 15 signs that you are a Lyran starseed incarnated as a human being: You're adventurous and not fearful of the unknown Lyrans have an adventurous nature which makes them lack the fear of change. You can watch it here: https://youtu.be/5qDpIQHZrPM Sending you lots of love and blessings! While they may not always like challenges, they also dont shy away from them. I felt myself get so excited reading your article. When identifying starseed origins and incarnations there are typically three main methods of doing that: 1. You actually find comfort in the freedom that comes with a little disorganization and lack of structure. The Earth is part of one solar system, and Lyra is part of a separate one. This comprehensive guide will give you the real answer to all these questions. Now I see looking forward to deeper meditations and connections to come. Its not possible for Lyrans to ever return to their original home as it was destroyed. He was off to a difficult start very early in life, yet was always a force of some type. Thank you so much for all this beautiful and truthful information, Am so amazed, your article explains my life, sometimes sometimes I see things in my head and I begin to question if its hallucinations or some 1970s starwars franchise going on in my head, most amazingly I came across esoteric ebooks and I feel so connected like most of the events happened before my very eyes, Aho, I share the same sight multidimensional vision. Theyre also generally very strong and athletic. Thank you for the work you do. How do you incorporate this knowledge into your spiritual practice? Lyrans tend to sympathize with the underdog as they understand that anyones wrongdoings are due to their association with their ego, which is encouraged by the collective state of consciousness on this planet. In fact, Lyran Starseeds originate from Felines, one of the primary ancient races in our universe. You can wait and eventually figure out how to use them on your own. Every starseeds mission will ultimately elevate and enlighten humanity. Lyran starseeds are anything but rigid. I thought my girlfriend was Lyran from what I heard but it matches me more closely. The TV had turned off too. As I know my mission is the same. Most Lyrans tend to be very confident and self-assured. This connection to stars may manifest itself through an interest in astrology or science fiction, as you reconnect with your spiritual Lyran self. I can not explain in english, what I felt when I read this infrmation I hug from my heart to your heart, dear light! Through their many incarnations, often as different starseeds, they have adjusted to being in different galaxies and dimensions. Now I know exactly what my soulmate looks like. This usually isnt overt they dont wrinkle or go gray faster, but more like a general aura of age. 17 Lyran Starseed Traits! Are You A Lyran Starseed? They cohabited with two other ancient civilizations, Felines and Avians. I first learned about the Lyrans a few months ago and was reminded of it today. Years later I discovered that a couple of planets inhabited by the original Lyrans were destroyed in a galactic war with the Alpha Draconians and many Lyrans were forced to escape to other galaxies and assimilate into their new cultures. You might notice that your lowest two chakras are particularly strong. This might sound a tad bit selfish but thats far from the truth. They were present in the lost civilization of Atlantis and spread throughout the world after its fall. This sense of purpose probably first materialized when you were a young child, born out of a deep curiosity. Orion is one of the most well-known and most easily spotted constellations in the night sky. The Lion Sphinx, though weve lost the original gods name, is one of the Felines from Lyra. If you decide to go on a spiritual journey to the Lyra constellation, ensure you have an anchor on this planet and guides to take you there and back. Starseed Witchcraft: Modern Starry Practices, feeling like you are from somewhere else entirely (another planet or universe). As one of the most ancient and evolved types of starseeds, Lyrans have evolved a wealth of characteristic traits over the years. Kind regards. Andromedan starseeds come from the Andromeda galaxy. Time to dust it off and play. I've ridden the rails, gone off track and lost my train of thought. Apart from being amazingly cute and cuddly, cats are also an integral part of the Lyran Starseed identity. I had NO clue back then that many of the Egyptian and ancient gods were originally from other star systems and realms. I have one now that the connection is both ways. You are very independent and dont like being controlled by your parents or society. A Lyran starseed can only shine their light and inspire others by being the most fulfilled version of themselves first. But I was so tired of struggling with trying to figure things out on my own, that when a friend suggested I talk to someone at Psychic Source, I decided to go for it. Wow. Lyran starseeds are the oldest souls in our whole galaxy. They tend to be involved in sports at a young age and stay active into their golden years. Since i can remember as a child i. When Atlantis fell, the Felines moved to Ancient Egypt along with Avian and Sirian star beings. But its probably because Lyrans have been through so many reincarnation cycles, and are particularly good at adapting to new realities and environments. Active, Energetic & Adventurous. So you might pay particular attention to these things in your environment, and even feel directly connected to them. Also because I have a strong connection to lions and to the leo star sign as well also with regards to my physical attributes Well, maybe Ill overcome my doubts someday Either way, thank you so much for sharing! You may find yourself deeply curious about the nature of existence and the creation of the universe. , I am Lyran, what was left of my family after the destruction we went to the Pleiades, I guess I chose to come to Earth, I was dropped into a dysfunctional family and when I was 5 I was visited by my feline family and they told me I had to bring love & light into this crazy family, I tried my best, now Im 64, I live alone, ppl drive me crazy, I want to spread my knowledge but Im tired and isolating. Everything else is just an identity Sometimes there is more truth in (science) fiction than we realize. Thoth is particularly helpful if you enjoy writing and/or mathematics. Well, enough left to explore, I am a Lyran with characteristics from other Starseeds as well. I also learned recently that Lyrans will have a marking somewhere on their bodies the shape of a lyre and I do! After reading this article Im not feeling well with my first name anymore It just missed the L then it could resemble the word Lyran. In fact, youre always on the lookout for new things to try. I was stargazing via an app called Night Sky (great app btw) and came across Vega. Thank you for your service, love and light dear one. thank you so much for sharing such an interesting article. This doesnt mean you look for attention quite the opposite in fact. If not, its @isthatphill This article is as amazing as you are! You have so many goals that its hard to focus on all of them at once and you dont like to wait for things to happen. Some people hate chaos and avoid it at all costs. This will give them access to great spiritual abilities to help them achieve their starseed mission. By pursuing this goal, youll be doing a great service to humanity as you can then begin to fulfill your mission towards others and humanity at large. If youre a Lyran starseed, you may find that you take a very, Forget it, Ill do it attitude toward things. If you have a problem, theyll solve it. I have actually made a video about how you can know for sure which starseed you are. Reading about these characteristics gave me shivers all over my body and tears in my eyes and although this should speak for itself Im still doubting and continue to read everything I can find about the different starseed origins and try to figure out which one I am so ridiculous! I developed a weird pattern on the back of my neck and they pointed out that it looked like a Lyran. Lyran Starseeds tend to have high energy levels and great athletic abilities. You get excited when people succeed, or try to better themselves. cat deities call to you: Bastet, Sekhmet, Freya, etc. Here are 4 telling traits a Lyran Starseed shows in their relationships. As such, they dont crave their homeland as intensely as other spiritual beings. Or what would you think? ALL Starseed Types: Their Secrets, Traits & Missions Being a Lyran starseed is so recognizably to me! Any kind of change always has to start from within the self. For a Lyran starseed, this means, learning to live life to the fullest. Im taller and dont get fooled by the materialistic things we experience in this life. You might even have a career in one of these fields. That means that the mission of Lyran starseeds probably isnt to guide the direction of human development anymore. Just today I began hearing/feeling my guidance more clearly. If youre a Lyran starseed, you might find that other people seem drawn to you like magnets. But of course, you can still open up to people with a warm and loving attitude, and love making people laugh. But its impact on our planet started long before time was invented. Lyran beings are diverse in appearance but they have some common behavioral traits. You do your best in everything that you do, and you trust the universe to have your back and assist the evolution of your soul. This means that their starseeds can struggle a bit when they have to adapt to other realities. The Avians are some of the oldest beings in our Universe and theres speculation they come from another Universe entirely. But here are some general ideas as a start point: To find your Lyran Starseed mission, you must follow your heart and notice when your vibrations are at their highest frequencies. Unfortunately, I do not get that back from them and I often feel that they want tojust to keep me down. I mentioned them earlier. Are You a Lyrian Starseed? 12 Signs to Know - Numerologist.com 2. Blessings. This is where life in Lyra probably originated. The world is their oyster! This is understandable, but part of your Lyran Starseed mission is about learning how to slow down, enjoy the little things to the fullest, and make the most out of any situation even waiting. This was just one of many confirmations Ive received. This means building altars, providing offerings, invocation, prayer, etc. This is why most Lyran Starseeds identify with multiple star systems, as they have reincarnated as several different starseed types. Just like Andromedan starseedslike myself, you are not a person happy to obey authorities. This doesnt mean that you dont enjoy company, but that you enjoy meaningful company rather than trivial conversations. 14 Major Signs that Confirm You're a Lyran Starseed 1. After some remembering I was able to forgive and let go of those emotions from so many life times. You love connecting with others, and youre willing to give many people a chance. If youre highly intelligent, you may be a Lyran starseed. You're drawn to the night sky and its many systems Arcturians have a strong connection with their heritage and often intrinsically know their origins. Consider: It is often said that the Elohim were the first to seed this planet with 12 root races, , but the Elohim themselves are of Lyran decent. Just like Pleiadian starseeds, you would make an excellent leader. If youre a Lyran starseed, you may be an artist, inventor, or other creator. This is probably why they have such high confidence, eagerly pursue their dreams, and never back down from a challenge.